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Brief: Choose a company freely out of a list of 227 companies and chose one of the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals they should start working towards. 

We chose SkiStar and Goal number 3, " Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages". What stuck with us were the words "at all ages". Elderly people (65+) are often left behind in society and face limitations in their physical activities, including exercise. As people age, they become fearful of falling and hurting themselves, leading them to abandon physical activities. However, we want to change this stigma with help of SkiStar's new concept. With our concept, SkiStar hopes to promote a healthier lifestyle for elderly individuals and improve their overall quality of life.

Fall accidents among elderly people are a major and underestimated public health problem. Falling can be a dangerous and unpredictable occurrence, but there is a technique that can help reduce the risk of injury. This solution involves learning how to fall correctly in order to minimize the impact on the body. Seniors can significantly decrease the risk of injury when falling, providing them with greater peace of mind and allowing them to stay safe in potentially hazardous situations. SkiStar is gonna teach how to fall safely.

Group: me and Viktor Sommer, Ronja Svahn, Nora Andersson, Joan Metto, Emmy Jacobsson